Monday, June 22, 2009

Steve Jobs, Correspondents’ Dinner, Summer Solstice: Buzz Weekend Recap

This weekend was buzzing: The Apple CEO made news while the "I'm a PC" guy mocked the news, and pagans had a really big party. Just a few of the top stories on Yahoo! Buzz.

Steve Jobs: Secret liver transplant
This was a big week for Apple. The computer company debuted its latest shiny toy, the iPhone 3G S. Turns out, there was a lot more going on that consumers didn't know about. The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that Apple's ailing CEO, Steve Jobs, who had taken a break from work to battle pancreatic cancer, had undergone a liver transplant. But here's the real mystery: The surgery happened two months ago. While the company rolled out its latest cool gadget with the usual fanfare, CNN wonders aloud at the timing of such big news about the charismatic leader. News of the Apple co-founder put the company chief in the top 10 searches on Yahoo!. Look-ups on "steve jobs" soared almost 800%, along with "steve jobs liver," "steve jobs liver transplant," and "steve jobs cancer."

The news—what a joke
Two wars, a recession, a failing auto industry. Forget all that. Turns out, there are plenty of reasons to laugh: Enter the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association Dinner. Not to be confused with the glitzier White House Correspondents' dinner, this one had fewer stars (Carrie Prejean, anyone?) and more working journalists (the ones who still have work, that is). Tellingly, the event was hosted by a fake-news correspondent, the "Daily Show's" John Hodgman. (He's the "I'm a PC" guy in the Apple ads.) The geeky jokester made cracks about the nerds-vs.-jocks controversy and called Obama the "nerd president" ('nuf said). JibJab debuted a video of the president (who was in attendance) as an enormous-eared superhero fighting pirates and fixing healthcare. The cartoon immediately went viral and sent online fans searching for "jibjab obama" and "jibjab parody."

This party rocks
Sunday marked the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Online celebrants heated up searches online, sending "summer solstice" spiking 137%. But in England, a crowd of 35,000 gathered at the mysterious rock formation Stonehenge for an all-night pagan party (Druid costume optional). At dawn the crowd cheered as the sun aligned with Heel Stone, a main pillar in the circle of stones. According to the AP, the solstice is one of the few times a year people are allowed in to touch the rocks.

Also buzzing this weekend...
•The world watches as protests in Iran continue. Search for the latest here.
•Even the English think English has too many rules: Teachers are to drop the useless "i before e" lesson.
•Some lucky pops got behind the wheel of a NASCAR racecar to floor it for Father's Day.

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