Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rescuers spot wreckage of plane that crashed with 154 aboard

- Rescuers on Tuesday spotted the wreckage of a Yemeni plane that crashed in the Indian Ocean off the island nation of Comoros, Comoros Vice President Idi Nadhoim said.

An Airbus 310 like the one pictured has crashed while on the way to the capital of Comoros.

An Airbus 310 like the one pictured has crashed while on the way to the capital of Comoros.

The jet, carrying more than 150 people, was en route to Moroni, the capital of Comoros, from Yemen's capital of Sanaa.

A reconnaissance plane spotted traces of the jet in waters off the town of Mitsamiouli, Nadhoim said.

"There were no sign of survivors," he said. "There are a few bodies floating and there is a lot debris floating around."

Officials from the national airline Yemenia told CNN that the jet crashed about an hour before landing. But the Comoros government said the plane crashed during its approach to the airport in Hahaya.

There were 147 passengers and 11 crew members aboard, Nadhoim said.

Yemenia Flight 626 left Sanaa at 9:30 p.m. (2:30 p.m. ET) for what was expected to be a four-and-a-half-hour flight. The airline has three regular flights a week to Moroni, off the east coast of Africa, about 2,900 km (1,800 miles) south of Yemen.

Most of the passengers aboard the Airbus A310 were Comoran, an official at Sanaa's international airport told CNN.

There was no indication of foul play behind the crash, the official said.

The crash was the second involving an Airbus jet in a month. On June 1, an Air France Airbus A330 crashed off Brazil while en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, France. All 228 aboard are presumed dead. The cause remains under investigation.

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