Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rafsanjani calls for release of Iran's post-election prisoners

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- One of Iran's most powerful clerics, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, called Friday for the release of people arrested after last month's disputed presidential election.

Rafsanjani remains an influential figure in Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's circle.

Rafsanjani remains an influential figure in Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's circle.

"There is no need to have these numbers of people in prison," the former Iranian president said during his highly anticipated Friday sermon.

"Let them come back to their families. Let the enemy not laugh at us and criticize us. We must sympathize with those who have suffered damages."

He warned, "The system cannot lose them. If the system reproaches them they will come back to us."

Tens of thousands of people gathered in and around Tehran University as Rafsanjani spoke for about an hour, according to witnesses at the speech. Iranian police used tear gas to disperse some of the crowds.

Many in the crowd chanted, "Iranians are dying and the nation will not tolerate it."

Traditionally, the speaker before the sermon asks those gathered to yell "Death to America" and "Death to Israel." But on Friday, after being asked to curse those two countries, the crowd instead chanted, "Allaho Akbar," meaning "God is great" -- the signature chant of the opposition movement.

It was a key moment of defiance, as thousands in the crowd signaled that they were there to protest, not to support the regime.

Later, as Rafsanjani was speaking, he mentioned China and Russia -- two nations that have said they recognize Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the winner of the election.

Some in the crowd began chanting, "Death to Russia" and "Death to China." Rafsanjani called on the people to stop, saying they should not call for death to anyone.

Rafsanjani backs reformist Mir Hossein Moussavi, the opposition candidate who challenged Ahmadinejad in the June 12 election. Protesters say the election results were a sham, but the government stands by them.

Moussavi was at the sermon Friday. The semi-official Islamic Student News Agency posted a photo of him in attendance. A Facebook page associated with Moussavi also said he was at the sermon.

The news agency's photos also showed the two other opposition candidates from the election, Mehdi Karrubi and Mohsen Rezaie, at the sermon.

There were reports, from people claiming to be witnesses, that Karrubi was attacked by members of the Basij, the paramilitary forces. CNN could not independently verify the reports because of the Iranian government's restrictions on international journalists.

After weeks of silence, Rafsanjani recently became increasingly vocal in opposing the brutal crackdown on demonstrators who protested election results.

Earlier this month, the Iranian Labor News Agency quoted him as saying: "People from across the county participated in the elections with excitement. But unfortunately, the events that occurred after that, and the difficulties created for some, left a bitter taste, and I don't think any wakened consciousness would be satisfied with the resulting situation."

Rafsanjani was under pressure Friday to deliver public support for the Iranian establishment.

Lawmaker Mohammad Karim Shahrzad was recently quoted by the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency as saying, "After a monthlong silence, the position of Hashemi Rafsanjani will be very important for those of all political inclinations, particularly those who are aiming at the (destruction) of the unity of the system."

Shahrzad called on Rafsanjani -- head of the Assembly of Experts, the council responsible for appointing or removing the supreme leader -- to "announce the support of the supreme leadership as the highest authority" in his speech.

A member of parliament said Rafsanjani's sermon would be "historic."

Moussavi's supporters took to the streets last month to protest the outcome of last month's election that gave Ahmadinejad an overwhelming victory.

Rafsanjani's daughter, Faezeh, and four of his other relatives were detained briefly after taking part in one of those rallies.

The widespread street protests and civil unrest led to the deaths of at least 20 demonstrators and the arrests of more than 1,000, according to Iran's state-run media. The numbers of casualties and arrests could not be independently verified by CNN because of restrictions on international journalists by the Iranian government.

Rafsanjani remains an influential figure in Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's circle, but he has made "a real break with the supreme leader in this case," Iranian-American author Hooman Majd told CNN recently.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Obama moves to bolster U.S.-Russia ties

MOSCOW, Russia -- U.S. President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev concluded a series of agreements Monday -- including one on nuclear arms reduction -- as part of a broader effort to strengthen ties between the one-time Cold War rivals.

President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev met in Moscow on Monday.

President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev met in Moscow on Monday.

The summit in Moscow was needed to help "reset" a relationship that, according to Obama, "has suffered from a sense of drift" in recent years.

"Too often, the United States and Russia only communicate on a narrow range of issues or let old habits within our bureaucracy stand in the way of our progress," Obama said.

"President Medvedev and I are committed to leaving behind the suspicion and the rivalry of the past, so that we can advance the interests that we hold in common."

Relations between Russia and the United States do not currently "correspond to their potential," Medvedev said, which is problematic given the two countries' "special responsibility for everything that is happening on our planet."

On the most immediate challenge, working out an arms control agreement to replace the START I treaty which expires December 5, the two presidents signed a joint understanding for a follow-on agreement to START that commits both parties to a legally binding treaty that will reduce nuclear weapons. Video Watch Obama discuss arms control pact »

The joint understanding commits the United States and Russia to reduce their strategic warheads to a range of 1,500 to 1,675, and their strategic delivery vehicles to a range of 500 to 1,100. Under the expiring START and the Moscow treaties the maximum allowable levels of warheads is 2,200 and the maximum allowable level of launch vehicles is 1,600.

Russia has insisted on linking the arms control agreement to the controversial issue of a proposed U.S. missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. The presidents dealt separately with that issue, instructing their experts to work together to carry out a joint threat assessment, analyze ballistic missile threats in the world and prepare appropriate recommendations.

They also announced plans to conduct a joint review on possible cooperation to monitor the development of missile programs around the world. Obama said the two leaders are discussing holding a global nuclear summit next year. Video Watch Obama's full opening statement in Russia »

Obama and Medvedev also pledged to strengthen cooperation to curb nuclear proliferation and prevent acts of nuclear terrorism.

In a joint statement on cooperation in Afghanistan, Russia agreed to allow up to 4,500 flights carrying U.S. military equipment and personnel through Russia for supplying U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The two leaders also agreed on a work plan for resuming military-to-military cooperation, and agreed on a framework for the U.S.-Russia joint commission on prisoners of war and missing in action.

The United States and Russia also will create a bilateral presidential commission, headed by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, to provide better structure to the bilateral relationship. It will have a number of working groups on subjects as diverse as nuclear energy, drug trafficking, health and education.

The presidents also agreed to cooperate in the field of public health and medical science.

At their joint news conference, Obama said the two leaders had "frank discussion" on Georgia, with Obama telling the Russian president the territorial integrity of Georgia must be respected.

Obama said he trusts Medvedev to listen, negotiate and follow through on agreements.

Asked by an American correspondent "who is in charge in Russia?" Obama said "his understanding" is that Medvedev is the president and Vladimir Putin is the prime minister.

He said his interest is in dealing with his counterpart, Medvedev, but also to reach out to all parts of Russian society. He said he has a strong impression that Putin and Medvedev and are working closely together.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fans must register for tickets to Jackson memorial

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Fans wishing to attend singer Michael Jackson's memorial service next week will have to register for the 11,000 free tickets, organizers said Thursday.

Michael Jackson is shown rehearsing at the Staples Center on June 23, two days before his death.

Michael Jackson is shown rehearsing at the Staples Center on June 23, two days before his death.

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Details on how to register for the 10 a.m. (1 p.m. ET) service at the 20,000-seat Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, Tuesday are to be announced Friday.

Jackson's family will hold a private ceremony before the public memorial service, his brother said Thursday.

Speaking to CNN's Larry King, Jermaine Jackson said the ceremony will be held Tuesday morning, but he did not say where.

Jackson rehearsed at Staples Center two nights before he died, and he appeared healthy in a video clip of the rehearsal obtained by CNN. Jackson died June 25 after collapsing at his rented home in Los Angeles.

AEG, promoter of Jackson's planned London, England, shows, released the short video of Jackson rehearsing in the arena on June 23.

Jackson sang "They Don't Care About Us," a song from his "HIStory" album, as he danced along with eight male dancers. Video Watch Jackson rehearse »

Jackson did not specify where he wished to be buried in a 2002 will, which was filed in court Wednesday. Video Watch CNN's Anderson Cooper talk about his interview with AEG »

Tuesday, join CNN for all day coverage as the world celebrates the life of a worldwide pop icon, and don't miss our prime time coverage starting at 8 ET.

More information emerged Thursday about how Jackson's estate will be shared, which his will estimated in 2002 as being worth $500 million.

The family trust created by Jackson to receive all of his assets includes his mother, his children and a list of charities, according to a person with direct knowledge of the contents of the trust.

Mother Katherine Jackson's 40 percent share would go to Michael Jackson's three children after her death, the source said.

The children -- ages 7, 11 and 12 -- also will share 40 percent of the estate's assets, and the remaining 20 percent will benefit charities designated by the executors of the will, the source said.

A judge has delayed for a week, until July 13, a hearing to decide whether Katherine Jackson will remain the temporary guardian of Jackson's children.

At a brief talk with reporters Thursday, an attorney for Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe said she "has not reached a final decision" on whether she will challenge Jackson's mother for custody of Jackson's two oldest children, according to her lawyer.

A Los Angeles TV station quoted Rowe on Thursday morning saying, "I want my children."

Except for the statement to the radio station, she has not publicly indicated whether she would seek custody now that Jackson is dead.

Rowe was left out of the will.

"I have intentionally omitted to provide for my former wife, Deborah Rowe Jackson," the will said.

The will nominated Katherine Jackson, now 79, as the guardian of his children. If Katherine Jackson were to die, "I nominate Diana Ross as guardian," Jackson said in the will, written July 7, 2002.

Singer Ross, 65, was a lifelong friend of Jackson's. Video Watch how the two had a close relationship »

There's also a question on when the will's executors should take over control of the late entertainer's assets, which Judge Mitchell Beckloff temporarily placed under Katherine Jackson's control.

One man named as executor is John Branca, who represented Jackson from 1980 until 2006 and was hired again before the singer's death. He helped acquire Jackson's music catalog, which is worth millions.

The other is music industry executive John McClain, a longtime Jackson friend who has worked with him and his sister Janet.

DEA reportedly joins investigation

The Drug Enforcement Administration has joined the investigation into Jackson's death, a federal law enforcement official said Wednesday night.

And the California State Attorney General's office said Thursday that it is helping the Los Angeles Police Department in its investigation. The attorney general's office said it will assist police in sifting through information in a state database that monitors controlled medication.

Two law enforcement officials separately confirmed the DEA inquiry, saying agents would look at doctors involved with Jackson, their practices and their possible sources of medicine supply.

Neither official wanted to be identified because they could not comment publicly on the matter.

Officially, a DEA spokeswoman referred questions to the Los Angeles Police Department, which would not confirm the involvement.

"We routinely offer assistance to any agency regarding the Federal Controlled Substance Act," said Sarah Pullen of the DEA. "However, at this time, we have nothing further to comment about the death of Michael Jackson."

Speculation about the role of drugs has been swirling since Jackson died June 25 at his rented estate in Holmby Hills. The cause of his death, at age 50, was pending toxicology results.

On Wednesday, police released a car belonging to Jackson's cardiologist, Dr. Conrad Murray. They had impounded the vehicle Friday, saying it might contain evidence -- possibly prescription medications.

Police did not say whether they found anything.

Murray's attorneys issued a statement, asking the public to reserve judgment about the cause of death until the coroner's tests are complete.

"Based on our agreement with Los Angeles investigators, we are waiting on real information to come from viable sources like the Los Angeles medical examiner's office about the death of Michael Jackson," the statement said. "We will not be responding to rumors and innuendo."

No public showing planned for Neverland

Logistical and financial challenges derailed earlier plans for a public viewing and private memorial atNeverland Ranch.

Planning had been under way for a motorcade to carry Jackson's body from Los Angeles to the Santa Barbara County ranch, which state and local officials suggested would be difficult and costly.

Law enforcement sources had said a public viewing at the ranch was under consideration for Friday, but a spokesman for the family said that it would not happen.

"Plans are under way regarding a public memorial for Michael Jackson, and we will announce those plans shortly," said Ken Sunshine, whose public relations firm had been hired by the Jackson family.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

'Miracle' plane crash survivor back in France

PARIS, France (CNN) -- The teenage girl who is the only known survivor of this week's airliner crash in the Comoros Islands arrived back in France to a warm welcome on Thursday.

Bahia Bakari holds her father's hand as she lies on a stretcher in a plane after landing in France.

Bahia Bakari holds her father's hand as she lies on a stretcher in a plane after landing in France.

Bahia Bakari arrived at Paris' Le Bourget airport early on Thursday morning on a French government plane and was met by her father.

Bahia, said by her father to be 13 despite different ages being reported by other news outlets, was carried off the plane on a stretcher.

Suffering from exhaustion, a fractured collarbone and burns to her knee, Bahia was transferred to a Paris hospital.

"She is doing well," her father Kassim Bakari told reporters, Agence France-Presse reported, saying he was "very, very grateful" to be reunited with his daughter.

Barely able to swim, Bahia was thrown into the Indian Ocean in pitch darkness when the Yemenia Airways jet plunged into the sea after attempting to land at Moroni airport.

The Airbus A310 went down early Tuesday with 142 passengers and 11 crew members on board a flight that originated in Yemen's capital, Sanaa.

The jet vanished from radar when it was about 25 kilometers (16 miles) from Comoros' capital, Moroni.

Bahia was on the flight with her mother, whose body has not been found. Video Watch more about Bahia's escape »

"She really needs a few days' rest. She will be recovering with her family. She just learned that she has lost her mother," France's Cooperation Minister Alain Joyandet told reporters in Paris.

The head of the rescue team in the Comoros told RTL radio the teenager survived astonishing odds to survive. "It is truly, truly, miraculous," said Ibrahim Abdoulazeb. "The young girl can barely swim." Read how people survive air crashes

Another rescuer told France's Europe 1 radio the girl was spotted in the rough sea among bodies and plane debris in darkness about two hours after the crash.

Bahia's father said he did not believe he would see his wife or daughter again after learning of the crash.

"She is a very, very shy girl. I would never have thought she would have survived like this. I can't say that it's a miracle, I can say that it is God's will," he said.

He described how his daughter was ejected from the plane into the Indian Ocean.